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Friday, November 4, 2011

Carly :: Senior Portraits

Meet Carly.  My darling sister-in-law.  She's ultra talented, super smart, and flippin' gorgeous.  It's been fun watching her grow into such an incredible young woman.  We had a lot of fun during our session and came home with enough pictures to fill an entire coffee table book.  Now there's an idea, Carly!  A book for all of your "fans."  Until we get that published, here are a few to satisfy all of those that truly love you.

She's a gorgeous girl and all, but these last few had her a little more comfortable and in her "element."  Carly is a fantastic athlete so we made sure to make some time to highlight some of her greatest accomplishments during high school.  This girl kills me with how easy she makes everything look.  I just love her.
You're amazing Carly!  Keep making us proud...